Entité de rattachement


christophe.falgueres [at] mnhn.fr


  • Vahdati Nasab Hamed, Berillon Gilles, Hashemi Seyyed Milad, Bahain Jean-Jacques, Sévêque Noémie, Jayez Mozhgan, Bonilauri Stéphanie, Jamet Guillaume, Kharazian Mohammad Akhavan, Nateghi Asghar, Abdollahi Alieh, Antoine Pierre, Beheshti Iraj, Boulbes Nicolas, Chapon-Sao Cécile et al., mai 2024Qaleh Kurd Cave (Qazvin, Iran): Oldest Evidence of Middle Pleistocene Hominin Occupations and a Human Deciduous Tooth in the Iranian Central Plateau. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology vol. 7, n° 1, p. 16
  • Mounier Aurélien, Manthi Fredrick Kyalo, Bosch Marjolein D., Galán Sol Sánchez-Dehesa, Chapon-Sao Cécile, Achyuthan Hema, Bahain Jean-Jacques, Daujeard Camille, Delagnes Anne, Edung Justus Erus, Falguères Christophe, Foley Robert A., Hautavoine Hugo, Noens Gunther, Stoetzel Emmanuelle et al., octobre 2023Kanyimangin: The Early to Middle Pleistocene Transition in the South-West of the Turkana Basin. , The Early to Middle Pleistocene Transition (EMPT) is characterised by major environmental changes and evolutionary… Antiquity vol. 97, n° 395, dir. {Cambridge University Press} e25
    0003-598X, 1745-1744
  • Noerwidi Sofwan, Widianto Harry, Moigne Anne-Marie, Vialet Amélie, Ansyori M. Mirza, Fauzi M. Ruly, Tu Hua, Falguères Christophe, Sémah Anne-Marie & Simanjuntak Truman, 2023Preliminary Study of Two Deciduous Human Molars from the Late Pleistocene Layers of Song Terus (East Java): A Window into the Last Homo Erectus and the First Homo Sapiens in Java. L’anthropologie vol. 127, n° 3, dir. {Elsevier} p. 103159
  • Ben Arous Eslem, Philippe Anne, Shao Qingfeng, Richter Daniel, Lenoble Arnaud, Mercier Norbert, Richard Maïlys, Stoetzel Emmanuelle, Tombret Olivier, El Hajraoui MohamedAbdeljalil, Nespoulet Roland & Falguères Christophe, février 2022An improved chronology for the Middle Stone Age at El Mnasra cave, Morocco. PLoS ONE vol. 17, n° 2, e0261282 Publisher: Public Library of Science
  • Deldicque Damien, Pozzi Jean-Pierre, Perrenoud Christian, Falgueres Christophe, Mahieux Geoffroy, Lartigot-Campin Anne-Sophie & Rouzaud Jean-Noel, 2022Traces of fire in a 560,000-year-old occupation soil at Caune de l’Arago: response to the article by Professor Henry de Lumley. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience vol. 354, , dir. {Acad{\'e}mie des sciences (Paris)} p. 47-50
  • Marquer Laurent, Otto Thierry, Ben Arous Eslem, Stoetzel Emmanuelle, Campmas Emilie, Zazzo Antoine, Tombret Olivier, Seim A, Kofler W, Falguères Christophe, El Hajraoui Mohammed Abdeljalil & Nespoulet Roland, 2022The first use of olives in Africa around 100,000 years ago. Nature Plants vol. 8, , p. 204-208 Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
  • Deldicque Damien, Pozzi Jean-Pierre, Perrenoud Christian, Falguères Christophe, Mahieux Geoffroy, Lartigot-Campin Anne-Sophie & Rouzaud Jean-Noël, 2021Search for early traces of fire in the Caune de l’Arago at Tautavel (Eastern Pyrenees, France), combining magnetic susceptibility measurements, microscopic observations, and Raman analysis. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience vol. 353, n° 1, dir. {Acad{\'e}mie des sciences (Paris)} p. 247-264
  • Daujeard Camille, Falguères Christophe, Shao Qingfeng, Geraads Denis, Hublin Jean-Jacques, Lefèvre David, Graoui Mohssine El, Rué Mathieu, Gallotti Rosalia, Delvigne Vincent, Queffelec Alain, Arous Eslem Ben, Tombret Olivier, Mohib Abderrahim & Raynal Jean-Paul, décembre 2020Earliest African evidence of carcass processing and consumption in cave at 700 ka, Casablanca, Morocco. To date, in Africa, evidence for animal processing and consumption in caves routinely used as living spaces is only documented… Scientific Reports vol. 10, n° 1, p. 4761 ISBN: 2045-2322 Publisher: Nature Publishing Group Type: 10.1038/s41598-020-61580-4
  • Falgueres Christophe, octobre 2020The first Human settlements out Africa into Europe: a chronological perspective. A reliable chronology for the oldest settlements of Europe from the Early to the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene is an… Quaternary Science Reviews , , ISBN: 0277-3791 Publisher: Elsevier
  • Ben Arous Eslem, Falguères Christophe, Tombret Olivier, ElHajraoui Mohamed Abdeljalil & Nespoulet Roland, août 2020Combined US-ESR dating of fossil teeth from El Harhoura 2 cave (Morocco): New data about the end of the MSA in Temara region. The study of the Middle Stone Age (MSA) in North Africa is essential to better understand the human dispersals during the Late… Quaternary International vol. 556, , p. 58-65 00007